Excel in sport
$18.99 $0.99
Stay focused, keep your eye on the ball, believe in yourself, don’t hold back, etc… These are all pieces of advice that you have heard while trying to improve your ability to play your chosen sport – whether you play a team sport like football, soccer, baseball, basketball or rugby, or participate in an individual sport such as tennis, golf, bowling, swimming or running. No matter at what level you compete – socially, seriously or professionally – it is possible to increase your sporting skills with hypnosis and excel in the sport of your choice.
We have used the very latest sports psychology and hypnosis techniques (the same used by Wimbledon, World Cup, Super Bowl, Olympic Games and Golf Major champions) to assist you in achieving your quest for self-improvement. Professional athletes pay thousands for such mental reprogramming that is available right here for your personal gain for only $8.99. Unleash your potential. That is exactly the reason we designed this high quality hypnosis download. Program your mind for performance excellence at a deep, subconscious level. Exceed your own expectations. (Return to All Titles)