Conquer writer’s block
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If you are a writer, you probably know that dreadful feeling when you sit in front of your computer, waiting for the ideas and the words to come to you, and, well… nothing. And the harder you try, the less success you seem to have. The creative ideas fail to emerge. If only there was a way to become inspired again.
Writing songs, poems, essays, short stories, novels, dramas, books, articles, letters, speeches, sermons, lectures, slogans, adverts and the like, all require a creative process that seems to be elusive at times and we know it cannot be forced. Release the creativity. Become an idea generating machine. Put the joy back in writing. Experience the thrill when creative juices begin to flow.
Hypnosis is a natural way to conquer writer’s block by simply using the power of your own hidden resources. This audio download is exactly what you need. Creative ideas may come to you soon, they will search for you, they will seek you out, they will report to you for duty even when you are not thinking about writing. (Return to All Titles)